The Ilinx Garment: Whole-body Tactile Experience in a Multisensorial Art Installation
Lamontagne, Valerie, Ian Hattwick, Ivan Franco, Marcello Giordano, Deborah Egloff, Maurizio Martinucci, Chris Salter, and Marcelo M. Wanderley (2015). “The Ilinx Garment: Whole-body Tactile Experience in a Multisensorial Art Installation”. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Electronic Arts. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Three participants wear the Ilinx garment at TodaysArt 2014 in The Hague.
Utilizing the tactile sensory channel as a key sensory modality in a full body, cross media artistic installation presents unique challenges. In this paper we describe our experiences with the design and utilization of garments containing embedded sen- sors and vibrotactile actuators. We follow the garments from their conception through their use in a artistic installation ex- perienced by over 300 visitors. In particular, we focus on the relationship between touch, hearing, and sight – both in the technological implementation as well as the artistic concep- tion.
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