Hattwick, Ian, Ivan Franco, Marcello Giordano, Deborah Egloff, Marcelo M. Wanderley, Valerie Lamontagne, Ian Arawjo, and Maurizio Martinucci (2015). “Composition Techniques for the Ilinx Vibrotactile Garment.” In: Proceedings of International Computer Music Conference. Denton, Texas, USA, pp. 420-423.
In 2014 the multi-sensory immersive experience Ilinx was premiered at the TodaysArt 2014 festival in The Hague. A key element of this work was the creation of a full-body vibrotactile garment that provided haptic sensations, working in tandem with the visual and auditory elements of the piece.The tactile sensory channel is significantly different from the auditory channel, posing novel challenges from both the tech- nical and conceptual perspectives. We describe our experiences in the addressing these challenges and focus particularly in the discussion of different techniques for the creation of tactile stimuli compositions in a multimedia work.